How Selborne uses PointOne to capture more time and increase client satisfaction

How Selborne uses PointOne to capture more time and increase client satisfaction

How Selborne uses PointOne to capture more time and increase client satisfaction


  • 29% increase in billable hours captured. PointOne captures tasks that were previously not recorded, increasing total billable hours.

  • Increased billing velocity and less time spent on admin. Time entries are now entered daily with just a couple minutes of review.

  • Non-billable time is now being captured. Selborne now has visibility into non-billable tasks, which were never before recorded.


PointOne captured time accurately across dozens of matters and workflows every day.

“I have to manage a great number of clients and switch tasks by the minute. With lots of clients and having to frequently switch between them, the time it takes to track every minute... the juice is just not worth the squeeze. PointOne solves all of those problems. I’ll get 30 emails in an hour, spend five minutes on one client, then move to revising a document, and PointOne captures all of that.

PointOne provided visibility into non-billable work that was never captured before.

“PointOne captures time that I never captured previously. So much of my time is actually quarterbacking. PointOne captures that too. Five minutes where I’m explaining to someone what to do—that was lost time. I never captured that in the past.”

PointOne enabled Selborne to demonstrate more value to clients.

If I’m not going to bill for all of my time, it at least lets me tell the client that I’m writing it off. Knowing all the time that I’m spending allows me to decide if I’m going to tell the client that I wrote it off or not mention it at all. It gives me more ammunition in the story.”

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